A Bigger Love this February

Ah, love. A magic emotion that has inspired great works of art – from books to music to Van Gogh and his pre-ear/post-ear masterpieces. We all long for that sweet, swirling intersection of generosity, goodwill and self-confidence.

Yet we begin with a fundamental mistake when we pursue this endorphin-inducing sensation by scanning the horizon awaiting a mystical paramour. Believing love will come from outside, rather than from within. Maybe that’s why Plato declared: “Love is a grave mental disease.”

Both research, and heaps of anecdotal evidence, have proven we must first love ourselves before attempting to love others. As Maya Angelou so aptly said: “If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?” Loving oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

So with Valentine’s Day fast approaching – I wanted to mention Skin Deep is exactly the right place to start your Self-Love refresher course. We’ll help you put your best, and most authentic face forward. Whether via one of our luxurious facials, or with a mini makeover, or with a wee bit of waxing. At the Deep we adhere to Audrey Hepburn’s advice: “Always be a first-rate version of yourself.”

Of course, many of you have already taken this journey and discovered not only your best self, but also a beloved. And if you’re in that happy camp – then we have lots of gorgeous, novel, and unique gifts for your special someone.

However, this year we’d like to encourage each other to enlarge and expand our interpretation of Valentine’s Day. Why limit ourselves to romantic love when we can take a page from our happy childhood? Back when we tucked bits of construction paper and lace into all our classmates’ desks. Let’s show appreciation to our wide array of loved ones. Don’t they deserve to be acknowledged?

So many friends were instrumental in fostering our journey to becoming our true self. Maybe it’s time we transformed Valentine’s Day into a day of gratitude for ALL the love in our life. Ah, I feel the endorphins flowing just thinking about it.

“Friendship with one’s self is all important, because without it one can not be friends with anyone else in the world.” Eleanor Roosevelt

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