
A Bigger Love this February

Ah, love. A magic emotion that has inspired great works of art – from books to music to Van Gogh and his pre-ear/post-ear masterpieces. We all long for that sweet, swirling intersection of generosity, goodwill and self-confidence.

Yet we begin with a fundamental mistake when we pursue this endorphin-inducing sensation by scanning the horizon awaiting a mystical paramour. Believing love will come from outside, rather than from within. Maybe that’s why Plato declared: “Love is a grave mental disease.”

Both research, and heaps of anecdotal evidence, have proven we must first love ourselves before attempting to love others. As Maya Angelou so aptly said: “If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?” Loving oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

So with Valentine’s Day fast approaching – I wanted to mention Skin Deep is exactly the right place to start your Self-Love refresher course. We’ll help you put your best, and most authentic face forward. Whether via one of our luxurious facials, or with a mini makeover, or with a wee bit of waxing. At the Deep we adhere to Audrey Hepburn’s advice: “Always be a first-rate version of yourself.”

Of course, many of you have already taken this journey and discovered not only your best self, but also a beloved. And if you’re in that happy camp – then we have lots of gorgeous, novel, and unique gifts for your special someone.

However, this year we’d like to encourage each other to enlarge and expand our interpretation of Valentine’s Day. Why limit ourselves to romantic love when we can take a page from our happy childhood? Back when we tucked bits of construction paper and lace into all our classmates’ desks. Let’s show appreciation to our wide array of loved ones. Don’t they deserve to be acknowledged?

So many friends were instrumental in fostering our journey to becoming our true self. Maybe it’s time we transformed Valentine’s Day into a day of gratitude for ALL the love in our life. Ah, I feel the endorphins flowing just thinking about it.

“Friendship with one’s self is all important, because without it one can not be friends with anyone else in the world.” Eleanor Roosevelt


Holiday Memories and Those Pesky Resolutions

The holiday season has once again departed leaving only happy memories in its wake. And … one or two disaster stories that are transforming into anecdotes as we follow the ancient showbiz formula: Tragedy + Time = Comedy.

At the Deep we collect touching moments like merit badges on a Girl Scout’s sash. Our collective spirits soar when familiar faces return claiming: “This is where I always find the best gifts – even for the most challenging on my list.”

This year I assisted an adult daughter calling from Boston in setting up the gift of a makeup class for her 89-year-old mother. Mom had decided it was time, after a lifetime of going au naturel, to accept a little cosmetic assistance.

Apparently some other residents in her retirement community were ‘dolling it up’ and she didn’t want to miss the parade. Mother and daughter had done some DIY tutorials via their phones and Facetime, and Skin Deep was only too happy to provide the finishing touches.

With all that feel-good swirling through our system – it’s downright criminal how New Year’s resolutions shut down the party by demanding self-improvement. Surely the game is rigged, seeing as we’re asked to do this following a season abundant with sugarplums and intoxicants? The whole cycle feels suspect.

At the Deep we believe the best resolution you can make is: Be good to yourself.
That’s an arena we know a little something about. Because after all the hoopla and fanfare there’s nothing quite so rewarding as a little self-love.

A visit to the Deep’s luxurious salons – for a rejuvenating facial, relaxing massage, gorgeous manicure or pedicure, a new hairstyle or a chance to freshen up your makeup – will leave you feeling both beautiful and appreciated.

Because we truly appreciate your patronage and we’re standing by to say: Thank You!


Feeling the Season

So many markers tell us the season is in full swing. Holiday movies appear on television and at the Cineplex as eggnog arrives on grocery shelves. Merrymakers turn up in Santa hats or this year’s rage: the turkey chapeau.

We dust off our artistic temperaments and make magic where only moments ago there stood a modest, one might say bleak, garage door. Our colorful, twinkling displays represent the warmth we feel inside as our attention turns to making our loved ones happy. Cuz ‘tis all about giving; right Grinch/Scrooge/Charlie Brown?

We are pleased this year, as every year, to participate in the festival of giving. We beam when our store customers and salon clients tell us how they look forward to wandering through our brightly stocked shelves to find a unique treasure that may well become a hallmark for future generations.

We cast a wide net seeking one-of-a-kind items so your treasure hunt can happen within a manageable piece of real estate. We’re proud of our cheerful elves (sales team) who delight in helping you track down the perfect something-something for relatives, friends and home décor.

There’s an old saying: “If you can’t wrap presents well, at least make it look like they put up a good fight.” We understand this all too well, so we wrap all your goodies in glorious, decorative finery insuring your gift is a feast for the senses even before the tag is read. Plus – come on, this is huge – our wrapping is complimentary!

We are grateful for all of our wonderful clients and this heartwarming time of year. Seeing so many familiar faces fills us with the spirit. We look forward to seeing yours.

“For it is in giving that we receive.” – Francis of Assisi

“Christmas… is not an external event at all, but a piece of one’s home that one carries in one’s heart.”Freya Stark

“I like to compare the holiday season with the way a child listens to a favorite story. The pleasure is in the familiar way the story begins, the anticipation of familiar turns it takes, the familiar moments of suspense, and the familiar climax and ending.”Fred Rogers

“This past Christmas, I told my girlfriend for months in advance that all I wanted was an Xbox. That’s it. Beginning and end of list: Xbox. You know what she got me? A homemade frame with a picture of us from our first date together. Which was fine. Because I got her an Xbox.”Anthony Jeselnik

“He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.” Roy L. Smith


Autumn’s Slow Start …

Yes, fall is officially approaching. Although there are still sultry days in September & even October – days when a sweatshirt seems silly but sunscreen is mandatory – we know that summer is gently stepping aside.

This time of year many of us feel the urge to ‘start over.’ The ritual began with new binders, pencil sets, and book bags as we waited for crisper apples and weather to follow. We envy Mother Nature as she adorns herself in the royal hues of garnet and gold; the warm, rich tones of autumn calling out their siren’s song.

Well, it is decidedly time to rethink our cosmetic choices. Time to let the pastels go and reach for the deeper, warmer tones that fall demonstrates oh-so-well. Time for crimson and wine and burnt sienna to grace our cheeks and lips.

But sometimes this change is not quite enough. Sometimes we hunger to truly begin anew, to have a bona fide fresh start.

At the Deep our Estheticians are about to unveil a revolutionary, new treatment that offers genuine rejuvenation. A renewal at a cellular level. We are proud to introduce … drum roll please … the Image Skincare Oxygen Infusion Lift.

This luxurious treatment infuses oxygen, plant-derived stem cells, peptides and a high concentration of enzymatic botanicals into the skin leaving it luminous, refreshed and rejuvenated. Radiant results. Brand spanking NEW results.

So if you’ve watched the fall colors arrive whilst coveting a do-over for your own façade – consider getting your glow on this season. The Image Skincare Oxygen Infusion Lift. Exclusively at Skin Deep this autumn.


Sunny News for Summer

Summer is here. All this sunshine reminds us of happy times spent with our toes in the sand, boots on the trail, or splashing about in a pool or lake or the glorious sea. Such is the beauty of our mind – remembering the best bits and letting the less-than pieces slip through the cracks of time.

Like that terrible sunburn of ’97 or leaving our canteen in the car or the attack of killer mosquitos whilst gorging ourselves on s’mores at the campfire. (Sure, we remember the s’mores.)

This year, we’ve put together a brief checklist of summer essentials. Obviously the foremost precedent is NEVER LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT SUNSCREEN. We really can’t say that enough. Just a few more precautions and you’ll be well on your way to a sunny summer.

  • • Don’t forget your lips. They need sunscreen, too, and plenty of moisture.
  • • Don’t forget your hands. Thinner skin on our hands means it’s paramount to apply sunblock daily.
  • • Try tinted lotion. You can have that sun-kissed sheen without any of the age-accelerating properties. Lovely options for both face and body await you.
  • • Drink lots of water. Or, if you want to change it up a bit, hydrate with watermelon, which provides both moisture and plenty of antioxidants.
  • • Load up on foods rich in Vitamins C & E. There’s actually evidence this combo can limit your potential for sunburn.
  • • Avoid hot showers. A cooler shower helps keep skin clear, closes your hair shaft for added shine, and won’t dry your skin the way hot showers can.
  • • Wear insect repellent – and if the buggers make their mark on you anyway, don’t itch! Once they’re inflamed they can linger for weeks instead of days.
  • • Kick cellulite to the curb.

Screeech. What did I just say? Did I bring up the dreaded patches that 80 – 90% of women experience but no one dares to mention? Yes. Yes, I’m afraid I did.

But only because Jan Marini has come up with a solution. Those skincare visionaries have been toiling away in the lab for the last 12 years and now, this summer, their new body treatment is being unveiled. And we’re excited! This 8-week treatment means you don’t have to back away from the pool at the end of the day. You can turn and stride off, head held high.

PAUSE OUR MUSIC and take a peek at the video below and you’ll know why this treatment is a game-changer. Hecks a bunch. I may even wear a bathing suit that doesn’t have its own little skirt attached. Talk about happy memories.


Royal Wedding Season


This time of year we usually stop worrying about colds and fevers, but then Meghan Markle appeared with her lavish wedding to Prince Harry. Try as we might, who amongst us could avoid a bout of Royal Fixation Fever? Everywhere there are articles on Meghan and her beauty rituals. How To Capture Meghan’s  Look. Meghan’s Favorite Beauty Essentials. Meghan’s Makeup Artist Reveals Her Secrets.

So, yes. We read a few of them. And you know what? We started to feel pretty good about ourselves. Turns out we’re applying many of the same wonderful products and techniques to our own routines.

First off, Meghan loves the Jan Marini skin-care products. Her latest comment: I love Jan Marini. I’ve been using their serum lately. It makes your skin really glow-y.”

We couldn’t agree more! Jan Marini has been lauded by many celebrities for its potent, medically validated formulas and amazing rejuvenation properties. Their treatments address fine lines, wrinkles, breakouts and even sun damage – all with sovereign success.

Meghan also believes in using foundation sparingly. “I never want to cover my freckles, so I just do a ‘wash’ of foundation in certain sections…” And what does Meghan use to create this flawless, yet authentic look? According to Lydia Sellers, her go-to makeup artist, Meghan loves the Beauty Blender makeup sponge.

Again we say: Ha! We’ve been touting this remarkable tool for years. You simply wet, squeeze out excess liquid, and bounce your foundation across your face for perfect results. Just look at Meghan’s shining countenance on any magazine cover. Incontrovertible proof the Beauty Blender is a must for makeup application.

At this point we’re coming dangerously close to being mistaken for a member of the royal entourage. We’re so much like Meghan it’s almost eerie. Sure, we haven’t gone through the protocol training and we don’t have the 24-hour security. But just look at our very fine usage of the royal ‘we.’


Winter to Spring – A beautiful thing

The birds around me hopped and played,
Their thoughts I cannot measure –
But the least motion which they made,
It seemed a thrill of pleasure.
~ William Wordsworth

Spring is a favored theme for poets because the transition from winter to spring is so abundantly evident in nature. Of course, there are also indoor transformations. One of which is reviewing your skin care needs.

Your skin changes right along with the seasons. So now’s the time to integrate 5 easy steps in preparation for spring’s sunny presence.

First: Spring Cleaning. Review your current products and see if any have grown obsolete tucked away in the medicine cabinet or back of a drawer. Check expiration dates and purge anything past its prime – it’s no longer effective.

Number Two: Lighten up your moisturizer. We focus on lightening our winter weight in time for spring fashions – but it’s also time to let go of the thicker, richer creams that protected our skin during the shifts between outdoor cold and indoor heat. Spring calls for something light and breathable to enhance your sunny glow.

Step Three: Exfoliate. Skin can look dull after the wear and tear of cold weather – but luckily exfoliators come in a variety of viscosities ranging from hearty to sensitive for your face. And whether it’s a physical scrubber or luxurious salt scrub with essential oils, your body will also thank you with soft, smooth skin from head to toe. Sloughing off dead skin cells to reveal more youthful skin is akin to tender new buds reaching towards the sun.

Next up: Wash Makeup Brushes. This step is elementary in fighting dirt and bacteria. A high quality cleanser removes and any all pore cloggers and extends the life of your brushes. Or, if a brush has served you well but dates back to the Paleolithic period, consider retiring it and starting over.

We have wonderful options at the Deep – both in brush cleaners and new makeup brushes. Because using dirty brushes? On your clean skin? That’s utterly degueulasse. (Definition: (familiar adj) – lousy, rotten, filthy, disgusting)

And the Fifth Step: Have A Facial. Facials are not only soothing and rejuvenating treatments – they increase oxygenation, lymphatic detox, and collagen production…all of which make an immediate, visible difference in your skin’s tone and texture. And since Skin Deep continues to win the coveted Best Place To Have A Facial in the Independent Best Of annual competition – isn’t this a no-brainer?
With every professional Facial Treatment our licensed estheticians assess precisely what your skin needs to rally from a harsh winter. A winter that included smoke along with wind and rain. Nourishing ingredients with advanced technology give your face a true makeover – while you luxuriate in a customized treatment that benefits whatever your skin condition truly needs.

And there you have it. All the necessary steps to putting your best face forward for spring. Even daffodils will pale next to your pulchritudinous punim.

Ours shall be the gypsy winding
Of the path with violets blue,
Ours at last the wizard finding
Of the land where dreams come true.
~ Lucy Maud Montgomery

In my still heart the thoughts awoke,
Came lone by lone together –
Say, birds and Sun and Spring, is Love
A mere affair of weather?
~ Robert Lewis Stevenson

What fills my heart with such delight?
Why do I feel such cheer?
To frolic so without my coat?
For spring, at last, is here!
~ Nancy Nufer


Why ‘Tis Better To Give Than To Receive.

The other day, after reading an article about the Bucket Brigade and all their amazing work in Montecito, I noticed I was feeling … good. Thinking about these volunteers digging out mudslide victims made me happy.

Which got me wondering about why being of service gives us that warm gooey feeling. So I did a little research and found a study at the University of British Columbia about the effects of kindness and compassion on our bodies.

Kindness begins by replacing stress with pleasure. The act of giving actually rivals the act of receiving. Pleasure centers in our brain are equally active when we encounter gratification (dessert, money, sex to name a few) as when we offer kindness to others. Even observing kindness can trigger these sensations.

What’s happening inside us is an increase of dopamine (the happiness hormone) and the release of oxytocin (NOT OxyContin – that’s a whole other story). Oxytocin helps reduce blood pressure and is known as a cardio-protector. It also reduces inflammation – which is a big culprit in the aging process.

But putting aside the science for a moment, we’re talking about something that makes us feel good and is good for us. One or the other – sure, but both? That’s a dang miracle.

Which may explain why the Deep remains dedicated in our efforts to give to those who were affected by the Montecito tragedy. Because once you start giving – you get hooked on the feeling.

Whether or not we understand how being kind supports our health and well being – we now know studies indicate people who participate in acts of kindness benefit physically. And some of these effects are even more pronounced than exercise. Although I’m sure the shovelers in the Bucket Brigade are getting a hearty workout right along with their internal dividends.

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill


The Challenge of a New Year

When a New Year is rung in we yearn to embrace the image of our best self. The self we are about to become – now that we’ve been given a clean slate. But this year found us facing challenges we’d never before had to consider.

The cloud of the Thomas Fire darkened the holiday season. We soldiered on, marshaling as much merry as the human spirit would allow. But then came the floods and mudslides, putting the kybosh on our attempts to rise like a phoenix from the ashes.
However, the fallout from these trials and tragedies is the coming together of community. The kindness we show our neighbors – the affinity we feel for strangers who have lost so much.

I was recently in the Post Office inquiring why my mail had stopped for several days. The line was long, only one window open, so the expected grumbling had ensued. Until a woman started a conversation about a friend staying with her because her home had been inundated by mud.

Then the line of impatient patrons turned into a consoling open forum discussing who had been touched by last week’s events and what could be done for them. Empathy and compassion were being handed out in bushel baskets.

When I reached the window I learned my carrier hadn’t been able to get in all week from Carpinteria. But today he’d taken the train into town to insure he could make his rounds. A behind-the-scenes herculean effort so his customers’ lives might continue without interruption.

At Skin Deep we’ve seen clients who almost lost their lives and needed to replace everything, starting with their self-care. Our owner has deeply discounted many of these purchases, and although it’s been an emotional chapter – it’s also been incredibly rewarding to help so many women who have relied on us over the years.
Plus the gratification of seeing our vendors step up once we issued a ‘call to action.’ With their support we’re currently assembling over 50 care bags of deluxe and full size products to include in a community outreach.

Our goal has always been to serve the physical and emotional needs of our clients. To make our patrons feel ‘at home.’ We wish to thank everyone for their continued support – not only of what we do, but also of each other. We are proud to be part of a close-knit community where caring and concern are so vibrantly on display.


The Holiday Season

“From the best Stocking Stuffers and dazzling Holiday Ornaments in town… to the Gift Everyone Loves (The Skin Deep Gift Certificate!)…Skin Deep is a 5 Star Customer Favorite for all the Magical Ways we help you have fun and relax during this busy time of year. As always, the Skin Deep Elves will also wrap your gifts to save you lots of time. After our 37 years, as one customer said the other day when she walked in the door, ‘Ahhhh….some things never change!’ ”
Nina Meyer, Tina Hasche, Gina McKee…The Skin Deep Sisters

Do the holidays fill you with a sense of wonder and joy? Or do they create a nervous pit in your stomach? Because both phenomenon are possible.

Sometimes we’re bursting with warm fuzzies. Other times the carols drive us to distraction and rather than counting our blessings we count how many cookies there are to bake and presents to wrap and parties to attend; so we’re focused on the ‘why can’t I find a place to park’ folly instead of maintaining an attitude of jolly.

Well, the Mayo clinic has some very sound advice on how to enjoy a festive, well-balanced season, which I’ve taken the liberty of translating into layman’s terms:

1) Acknowledge your feelings and be who/where you are. This means: you can’t force merry. That’s just awkward.
2) Plan ahead. Keep all your plans and appointments in your head and your head will blow up. Map out times to shop, bake, visit pals, etc.
3) Reach out to others. Hang with your nearest and dearest or do something more altruistic like volunteering, but one thing’s for sure: connecting with others lifts your spirits.
4) Be realistic. The holidays don’t have to be perfect; they don’t even have to be just like last year. Traditions change and grow – just like families.
5) Set aside your differences. Accept your family and friends as they are, because I’m betting NONE of us live up to each other’s expectations.
6) Maintain healthy habits. Overindulgence is often followed by a hearty dose of guilt. So write yourself a hall pass. Next time have a healthy snack before the party; get plenty of sleep and exercise. But don’t beat yourself up – there’s nothing jubilant about remorse.
7) Learn to say no. You can’t do everything. No one can do everything. Most other humans get this and will understand when you tell them your plate is already full.
8) Take a breather. Go for a walk, listen to music, or (my favorite) have a facial or massage. When the carol proclaims: “repeat the sounding joy,” I’m fairly certain the sound they’re endorsing is: Ahhhh.

“Nothing says holidays like a cheese log.” – Ellen DeGeneres

“One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don’t clean it up too quickly.” – Andy Rooney

“Being a traditionalist, I’m a rabid sucker for Christmas. In July I’m already worried that there are only 146 shopping days left.” – John Waters