“C” is for Christmas

C, as in Covid, has dominated 2020. We monitor ourselves for the laundry list of possible symptoms and if the tally runs too high, we are treated to the joy of a nasal colonoscopy. (that’s an accurate depiction of the test, trust me!)

We circle the wagons, taking every precaution, and celebrate when those in our immediate circle recover.

But for me, C is also for chicken. Because this year, when my test turned out negative, I earned naming rights to a chicken from Gina McKee, one of the three Hasche sisters at the helm of Skin Deep. Three ladies who have always kept Christmas in their hearts.

But back to the chicken.

When Gina heard I was under the weather with a ‘mystery virus’ she asked if there was anything that might brighten my mood. And I confessed a hen named “Nufer” could be even more restorative than chicken soup.

8 years ago Gina and her late husband moved from San Luis Obispo to their new home on 3 acres in Butte Valley. She’s currently raising a flock of 30 or so (sometimes it’s hard to count moving poultry) consisting of Barred Rocks, Cuckoo Marans, White Giants, Blue Andalusians, Black Australorps, White Crested Black Polish, Buff Orpingtons, Cream Legbars, Speckled Sussex, Salmon Favorelles, Ameraucanas, White Wyandottes, Columbians, and Golden Laced Wyandottes. So I had a bevy of beauties from which to choose.

Her chicken paradise includes a misting system, fans and a kiddie pool so they stay comfortably cool during summer’s triple digits. During winter’s colder nights the coop is insulated. These happy hens produce 2 – 3 dozen huevos a day during egg season, keeping Gina’s customers fed and content.

Gina sent a video so I might pick out a doppelganger. The Blue Andalusian with the beady eyes immediately spoke to me. Beady eyes are somewhat ubiquitous to any flock, but Nufer’s imperious gaze has that ‘what you looking at’ sauciness which won my heart. At first cluck.

Andalusian chickens are a beautiful blue breed originating in Andalusia — a province of Spain — but have been in England and the United States for a long time. Andalusians are often used in exhibition due to their graceful, stately carriage and delicate blue-laced feathers. The ideal feather color is a beautiful slate blue with a narrow lacing of darker blue. In short, they’re gorgeous!

Christmas is always a magical time of the year at Skin Deep. We have guests that commute from other parts of the state, even the country, to see how the Deep is adorned for the holiday season and find that one-of-a-kind gift for their loved ones. Or they return seeking something that last year made the family Top 10 Gifts of All Time hit-list.

Skin Deep is a wonderland through the end of December, and we still get a thrill when we hand over a beautifully wrapped package to a smiling recipient. For you can see a smile behind a mask by looking into someone’s eyes. Another Christmas miracle.

So this year we’re focused on not letting the dreaded C sabotage the joys of all the happy Cs this holiday promises. We’re displaying the most glorious treasures in almost every category: creative, beautiful, practical, funny, delicious, innovative, nurturing and occasionally silly. As in Christmas cards, candles, candy, bedazzling cosmetics, cleansers – including hand sanitizers and captivating soaps.

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