June gloom? Not for us, thank you!

“The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.” – Walt Disney

Ten weeks in we’re proficient at washing our hands, wearing a mask in public, and trying to avoid touching our face (or anyone else’s for that matter.) And we take comfort in intoning: “We’re all in this together.”

Although, as someone much wiser than I recently pointed out, we may all be on the same sea, but we are decidedly in different boats.

There are those who found sheltering in place downright enjoyable (more on what you’ve been watching/bingeing later) and those who’ve been separated from their nearest and dearest or had loved ones face non-Covid health challenges which took on epic proportions seeing as access to healthcare is compromised.

At the Deep our joy remains speaking, by phone, with many of our customers. Filling your orders and hearing your stories of trial and triumph. And now, with the limited opening of the store, we look forward to engaging in person with old friends. (Yes, you’ll have a mask on and so will we – but we’ll recognize you.)

Many of us have kept up on what mental health professionals recommend to stay sane and engaged:

  1. Acknowledge your anxiety – being anxious, depressed or scared is completely appropriate during this chapter.
  2. Stay busy – whether it’s cleaning out your garage, office or closet or finally getting around to writing the great American novel.
  3. Exercise – but safely! Taking walks or bike rides will get your blood flowing and your endorphin count up.
  4. Stay in touch (by phone, text, email) with friends and loved ones.
  5. Don’t watch too much news – opt for lighthearted shows instead.

And here’s where it gets interesting. The following are the most watched/streamed/binged series during the pandemic:

Westworld – a sci-fi drama about killer robots overthrowing mankind.
Game of Thrones – a sci-fi drama peopled with knights, dragons, snow zombies and lots and lots of bloodshed. LOTS!
Breaking Bad – a drama about a high school teacher turned meth kingpin.
Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness – need I say more?
Ozark – a family drama about a money laundering family working for a drug cartel.

There’s a strong possibility I’ve been using the term ‘lighthearted’ incorrectly for years.
I do take pride in knowing that in California the most watched series (by far!) was Friends – a sitcom about six pals living in New York City. And for this I think we deserve kudos for following the advice of bona fide psychiatric professionals.

But no matter how you’ve spent the pandemic thus far, we hope you’re taking each day gently and looking on the light side whenever possible. Because air travel may still be sketchy but as Milton Berle so famously said: “Laughter is an instant vacation.”

“From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere.” – Dr. Seuss

“If you take yourself lightly and …not too seriously, pretty soon you can find the humor in our everyday lives. And sometimes it can be a lifesaver.” – Betty White

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