New Face? Or did you say NuFACE?

“If you’re gonna be two-faced at least make one of them pretty.” – Marilyn Monroe

February isn’t all about candy hearts and roses, though both are delectable, it’s also about coming to terms with winter and warding off its effects. Especially on our face.

Whenever we bring up caring for our face we instinctively think of NuFACE. (It’s hard not to with FACE right there in the title.) The NuFACE Trinity Pro Microcurrent Device is the only FDA approved hand-held tool for home use. With the NuFACE device not only do we ward off winter, we improve on what nature intended.

For 15 years the NuFACE Microcurrent has been part of Skin Deep’s exclusive ‘lift’ facial so clients emerge with a more toned, lifted appearance – and we can continue those benefits daily by taking a NuFACE home. (Along with the NuFACE Smoothing and Skin Tightening Serum – the first brightening, tightening, and moisturizing serum designed specifically to work with microcurrent.)

But how does NuFACE work? How does it firm, smooth and restore radiance to your complexion?

NuFACE uses micro-current to gently and effectively stimulate muscle protein production, along with collagen and elastin. The microcurrent sends soft, gentle waves through the skin, through the tissue, and into the facial muscles.

It energizes those muscles, similar to the way exercise energizes the muscles of our bodies. But – unlike anywhere else on the body – the facial muscles are directly connected to the skin, so the result is a youthful, lifted appearance with less fine lines or wrinkles. And it does all this while improving lymphatic circulation, and reducing redness and sensitivity.

Plus NuFACE compliments any skincare routine you’re currently using. You don’t give up anything, you add one gorgeous system and enjoy the improved health and radiance as your skin responds.

And here I must offer a very personal testimonial: I’ve been using the NuFACE daily for the last decade and couldn’t be happier with the results. I feel as if I’ve ironed out all the wrinkles on my face. Truly! And in my 3rd Act, that’s a big, dang deal.

Countenance. Visage. Punim. Face. However you want to say it – NuFACE will improve it.

“I think people make their own faces, as they grow.” – Enid Blyton

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